"If a goalkeeper doesn't make it muddy to the changing room, he's not a goalkeeper." (Javier Clemente)

"Where the rival puts his foot, the goalkeeper puts his face" (Carlos Unzué)

"Look carefully if the goalkeepers are different from the others, that we even wear different dresses" (Mono Burgos)

"Seeing Yuri Gagarin in space is only surpassed by the enjoyment of stopping a penalty" (Lev Yashin)

“I was planning to leave when someone better than me showed up. But that didn't happen” (Santiago Cañizares)

"A great goalkeeper is made by conceding 400 goals, as long as they are not in the same season." (Amadeo Carrizo)

"Soccer is a team sport until the goalkeeper makes a mistake. Then it becomes an individual sport." (Alex Welsh)

"This World Cup without me would be like Mexico without Maradona" (José Luis Chilavert)

"I'm not asking you to stop the ones that go inside, but don't put the ones that go outside." (Di Stefano to his goalkeeper)

"The serious injuries of a goalkeeper, where they take the longest to heal is in the head" (Aitor Ares)

"The key lies in always having a reference. A goalkeeper to imitate and a mirror to look at" (Luis Arconada)

"If you want to be an important footballer, you can also be a goalkeeper." (Gianluigi Buffon)

"What we have to do is put our teeth in the Premier League." (Peter Schmeichel)

"In the position of the fools, I am the most alive." (Hugo Gatti)

"At that level, every goal is like a knife to the ribs." (Gordon Banks)

"I'm not a 'galactico', I'm from Móstoles." (Iker Casillas)

"Goalkeepers need a great deal of madness." (Oliver Kahn)

"For a goalkeeper there is no hiding place." (Brad Friedel)

"It's part of being a goalkeeper: There is no one behind to save you" (Hugo Lloris)

"I couldn't have been a great goalkeeper without power, agility and speed" (Hope Solo)

"I made my debut because I was stubborn. That week I wasn't even called up" (Lucho García)

"Give me the ball. Give me the ***** ball!" (Jordan Pickford)

"Yeah, but what do you want me to do? It's coming like a plane." (Edgar Badía)

"I stayed on the ground because I burst. I wasn't wasting time." (Edgar Badía)


TwoFive is the brand of goalkeeper gloves created by professional goalkeepers for you.

Like you, we grew up defending the goal and we know the importance of performing at the maximum level wherever we are.

That is why we want the experience of years of goalkeeping evolution combined with latest glove technology to be within everyone's reach.

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